7-8 hours of quality sleep

12 Tips To Not Feel Sleepy At Workplace

Many of us find ourselves trapped in the cycle of desk jobs, where we're required to sit for what feels like an eternity, fixated on computer screens. It might sound quite simple, but it's far from it. The truth is, that workplaces can be out-and-out gloomy and uneventful at times. Endless hours of sitting with minimal movement or physical activity can sap our energy and make us feel groggy, particularly when our tasks lack excitement. And the consequences extend beyond just weariness; desk jobs can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being.

Staying alert and maintaining your focus at work is crucial for both productivity and overall job performance. But if you find yourself battling sleepiness during the workday, these tips can help you stay awake and engaged and be more productive!

1. Get a Good Night's Sleep

First and foremost, if you feel sleepy during the day and have a hard time fighting the sleep off, it might be because you are not sleeping well enough at night. Getting a good night's sleep is like recharging your energy reserves for the day ahead. It's the basis of staying awake and active at work. Without enough rest, you'll likely find yourself battling fatigue, struggling to focus, and yearning for that next cup of coffee.

So, here's the deal: prioritize your sleep and strive for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night. Create a comfortable sleeping environment, stick to a consistent bedtime, and avoid devices at least an hour before going to bed. And, buy best mattress that meets your requirements, offers the comfort that your body desire and lure you to the most comfortable sleep. Your workday will be great. But if you have trouble sourcing a mattress that suits you, don’t worry and buy quality mattress online. After all, nothing beats a good night's sleep to keep you aware and active when it matters the most.

2. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

The next step is to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Our body and mind like maintaining routine and do well with consistency. Having a consistence schedule helps to make you get into habits and work better. Every day, go to bed and wake up at the same hour and maintain the schedule even on weekends. This consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock, ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to ace your workday. When your body knows what to expect, it rewards you with increased alertness, focus, and a lot more energy. So, set a bedtime and stick to it like clockwork. Your work performance will thank you, and you'll sail through the day with vitality and vigor.

3. Avoid Heavy Meals

What you eat also has a huge effect on your sleep, productivity and performance. Whether you are going to be active and ready for any task or feel lethargic and sleep all day depends on your diet, among all things. Heavy and unhealthy meals affect your digestion system, and your health and disrupt your sleep cycle. A decent, healthy, and light meal, on the other hand, helps you sleep better and fall asleep more easily so you're not tired during the day.

4. Stay Hydrated

Water is necessary for the normal operation of several biological functions, including digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and waste removal. However, many people do not drink enough water throughout the day, which can lead to dehydration, weariness, and a lack of attention. Drink at least 8 glasses (approximately 2 litres) of water every day to stay well hydrated. But be mindful of your individual requirements. Water not only keeps you hydrated, but it also helps you stay awake and focused. You can also try putting refreshing fruits and vegetables, like cucumber, lemon, etc in water for extra help. There is also coconut water, tea, fruit juices and smoothies to help you keep hydrated through the day.

5. Move and Stretch

In sedentary work environments, prolonged sitting and minimum movements can result in back pain, body stiffness, and drowsiness. To combat these issues and maintain alertness, it's important to incorporate movement and stretching during work hours. These activities enhance circulation, relieve muscle tension, boost energy levels, reduce stiffness, and mentally refresh you.

To achieve this, it's recommended to stand up, take stretch breaks, and perform exercises like neck and shoulder stretches, back stretches, leg stretches, and deep breathing every 30 minutes. These stretches and movements help alleviate stiffness, promote alertness, and keep you active.

6. Take Short Breaks

Taking short breaks when you start to feel drowsy or after prolonged work periods is a great practice for maintaining productivity and mental well-being. These short breaks can help you revive your energy. Depending on your schedule, and work pressure, you can plan your breaks. These breaks can be for 5 or 20 minutes at different times and when you take these breaks is totally up to you. During these breaks, step away from your worktable, temporarily disengage from your tasks, and engage in some other activities. You can take a short walk, have a chat with your colleagues, or sit in the open air for a few minutes.

By following this tip and making it a part of your daily work routine, you can effectively manage your energy, stay awake and maintain a higher level of productivity throughout the day. It allows you to break up the monotony of continuous work, preventing burnout and enhancing your ability to stay focused and engaged in your tasks.

7. Control the Environment

Your workspace plays a big role in keeping your morale high, and positive and keeps you active all the time. Having a boring and gloomy environment will make you tired and yawn all day. This can also affect your productivity. So, make your workstation and work environment positive and stress-free.

Let's start with lighting. Brighten up your space with natural light if possible. The sun's rays can work wonders in elevating your mood and maintaining your alertness. If natural light isn't on the menu, opt for adjustable task lighting to reduce eye strain and infuse your workspace with an uplifting ambience.

How and where you sit, as well as your work desk and chair, are all important considerations. Your chair and desk should be ergonomically constructed to provide maximum comfort and body support. An ergonomic setup reduces the possibility of physical strain, keeping you both comfortable and productive. Also, add some indoor air-purifying plants on and around your desk that not only filter the air but also provide liveliness to your workplace.

Keep your workspace clutter-free and tidy by using organizational tools and other tips to make your environment bright, cheerful, and highly productive which fuels your enthusiasm and keeps you energized throughout the day.

8. Engage in Mindful Breathing

Practicing deep, mindful breathing during work breaks is a great way to stay alert and prevent sleepiness. You just need to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or stand. Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose, counting to four as you do so. Hold your breath for four counts, then exhale gently through your mouth, counting to four as you let go. Then count to four, and take your next breath and repeat the process.

Repeat this cycle of deep breathing for several minutes, focusing on the sensation of your breath and the counting. This can help reduce stress and promote alertness.

9. Limit Caffeine Intake

If you grow sleepy during work, you might reach for a cup of coffee or tea for a quick energy boost. Caffeine's rapid energy boost, however, does not endure long. Consuming too much caffeine can lead to jitteriness, increased heart rate, disrupted sleep patterns and an energy crash. This is why it is important to be aware of your daily caffeine intake. This includes coffee, tea, energy drinks, and any caffeinated medications or supplements. So, keep track of your caffeine intake throughout the day, set a daily caffeine limit, and stick to it.

Recommended daily caffeine limits vary from person to person, but a general guideline is around 400 milligrams per day for most adults. If you need a caffeine boost to stay awake, try to consume it strategically. For many people, having a moderate amount of caffeine in the morning can help maintain alertness throughout the day without affecting their sleep at night.

If you want to reduce your caffeine intake, consider drinking herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee, or simply water during your work hours. It will limit your caffeine intake while keeping you well-hydrated, energized and focused.

10. Avoid Excessive Sugar

We all are guilty of munching sugary treats, candies, and packed, no-nutrition snacks and caffeinated drinks many times a day. Sugary snacks and drinks may provide a quick energy spike, but they are often followed by a crash in energy levels making you feel lethargic and tired.

Instead of these unhealthy nibbles, opt for snacks that are minimally processed and closer to their natural state, or whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds or fibre-enriched food items. They provide sustained energy and essential nutrients; help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent energy spikes and crashes.

To make healthy choices easier, plan and prepare snacks ahead of time and keep them on hand. Having nutritious options on hand can help you avoid the desire to indulge in harmful indulgences.

11. Prioritize Tasks

Prioritizing your duties and working based on priority is one approach to staying active and awake at work. Prioritizing activities at work is vital not only for productivity but also for staying active and awake. It can help you keep focus and energy when you're involved in meaningful work and have a clear idea of what needs to be done. Be conscious of your natural energy patterns throughout the day, and complete your key tasks when you feel the most energized and concentrated. And when you are feeling tired, take a pause and drink or eat something to regain your energy.

12. Stay Social

Being stuck in a monotonous cycle of work every day can be boring and create a sense of inactivity. But because at work there are your colleagues and friends you can interact with; you can overcome this boredom. Staying social and interactive in the workplace is essential for keeping your mind active and alert. Engaging with colleagues, participating in group activities, networking, and regular social interactions can stimulate cognitive function, promote creativity, and contribute to overall well-being. These interactions foster a sense of connection, encourage collaboration, and help maintain mental alertness, ultimately enhancing your work experience.


In the fast-paced world of work, it's not uncommon to feel the afternoon slump or struggle to stay awake during those long, demanding hours. However, there are numerous tips to help you combat sleepiness and boost your productivity. Here, we've explored 12 valuable tips to keep you alert, engaged, and on top of your game at the workplace. From improving your sleep with a comfortable mattress to eating right and keeping yourself engaged, active and positive. Regular exercise, smart snacking choices, and staying hydrated can make a world of difference in your productivity. So, use these tips and watch your productivity skyrocket as you defeat workplace lethargy.

Also, don’t forget that your mattress is one of the prime factors influencing your sleep. Be aware of your requirements and buy mattress online so you have the best quality sleep at night and don’t feel sleepy throughout the day.